Circular Economy
25 - 05 - 2022

From the manufacturing of leather into Remake

In this article, we will discover how the by-products from another industrial chain, the leather industry, can create a new innovative and eco-sustainable product: Favini’s paper Remake.

Circular Economy
25 - 05 - 2022

From wool into the ecological paper Refit Wool

Favini’s new paper Refit is made with residues from wool and cotton textile production, which, thanks to the upcycling process, become a new alternative raw material for paper production.

Circular Economy
25 - 05 - 2022

From cotton into the ecological paper Refit Cotton

Thanks to the cooperation generated by industrial symbiosis, it has made possible the creation of a new product: Refit, the ecological paper by Favini, created thanks to the collaboration and the exchange of by-products between paper and textile sectors.

Circular Economy
22 - 05 - 2022

From olive grove to the ecological paper Crush

Let’s find out how from the processing of the olives for the production of extra virgin olive oil, ranging through different processes and by-products, into the ecological paper Crush Olive produced by Favini.


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